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Swagelok Southwest

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tube Fitting Advantage - Manufacturing Excellence

Watch the Video: Swagelok owns the manufacturing process end-to-end for tube fittings to assure the highest quality and absolute consistency.

What Makes Swagelok Tube Fitting Manufacturing Superior to Other Brands?

Swagelok implements unique manufacturing practices and offers a superior product warranty.

  • We forge, machine, electropolish, weld, assemble, and test—all in our own facilities.
  • We use optimized top of the line tools and specialized machining methods.
  • Our robust reliability excellence program keeps equipment running at optimal effectiveness.
  • Traceability at all phases is an integral part of our quality system.
  • Our Limited Lifetime Warranty is a promise as strong as our products.


    Swagelok Tube Fitting Better By Design  How Does the Swagelok Tube Fitting Work?

    Tube Fitting Advantage: Better by Design

    Swagelok Tube Fitting Material Difference What Differentiates the Material Used to Make Swagelok Tube Fittings?

    Tube Fitting Advantage: Material Difference

    Browse Products: Swagelok Tube Fittings