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Swagelok Southwest

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Contact Customer Service

For fastest service, we invite you to call or email either branch. A member of our Customer and Technical Service Team will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Customer Service

(602) 268-4848 | Arizona and Southern Nevada
(505) 842-0213 | New Mexico and Southwest Colorado
Email us at

(855) 953-1643 | Emergency after hours support for customers in Swagelok Southwest service territory


Phoenix, Arizona
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sales Support

Sales Contacts

Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions


Training Programs

Product Literature

Literature Request


Visit our Online Store where you can order Swagelok components 24 hours a day. Register for automated pricing, online ordering, quote requests, product & service information (Click Login or Register at the top of this page)

Credit Application

Swagelok Southwest Credit Application Form

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Payable